Mom is the most rewarding and the most difficult title that I could ever have. My 4 not-so-little-anymore kids keep me busy and make my world go round.


I think my husband is the most amazing person alive. I feel so blessed and honored that he chose me as his wife. He is truly my best friend.


I LOVE food, especially if it is prepared by someone other than me and does not include olives. Thai food is my absolute favorite.


I am always up for a fun adventure or a trip to somewhere new. I have big plans for the future.


I was raised in the desert, and I crave the heat from the sun. My electric blanket and hot cocoa get me through the cold Virginia winters. However, I do love a good snow day full of sledding, snow ball fighting, movie watching, hot chocolate drinking and lots of cuddling.


Clean and organized are words that make me happy. I have seriously considered working at The Container Store just so I could get the employee discount.


I love chick flicks, documentaries, and (most) reality TV. Real people's lives and relationships are fascinating to me. Action films, however, put me to sleep. So does driving in cars.


I love making new friends, and I can't wait to meet you!